Dispensational Overview
Let me open us in a word of prayer and we'll get started father thank you for your word we thank you that you've preserved it for us we thank you that your word is pure that it's without air it's without corruption it says exactly what you would have us to know give us understanding Lord as we turn to your word help us to know what you would have us to do it's in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen.
Look at second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 2nd Timothy chapter 2 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so 2nd Timothy 2 commands us to study the bible it's it's the most explicit command in the bible to study it and notice what it does it tells us how to study it notice what it says there rightly dividing the word of truth well if we're commanded to rightly divide the word of truth and the bible must have divisions in it if it didn't have divisions we it wouldn't make any sense to rightly divide it so the bible has to have divisions and we'll we're going to look at what some of those are what the verse also tells you is that it's very possible to wrongly divide the word of truth it commands us to rightly divide the word of truth because there's ways to divide it that are incorrect so we know the bible has divisions and we have to be careful as to how we divide it.
Get with me Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 9 Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 9. Genesis chapter 1 verse 29 and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat now the word meat we often think of the word meat as meaning animal flesh but the word meat actually one of its meanings is the word food in Genesis 1:29 what God clearly did is he gave Adam and Eve a vegetarian diet right it only discusses there them eating plants it doesn't say anything about eating animals.
Look with me at Genesis 9 verse 3. Genesis 9 verse 3. Genesis 9:3 every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have, I given you all things yet Leviticus chapter 11 Leviticus chapter 11. Leviticus 11 verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron saying unto them speak unto the children of Israel saying these are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth in other words there's some yet some you don't verse 3 whatsoever parteth the hoof and is cloven-footed and cheweth the cut among the beasts that shall ye eat nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud or of them that divide the hoof as the camel because he cheweth the cud but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you and the coney because he cheweth the cud but divide us not the hoof he is unclean unto you
And so on now here's what I want you to notice we've only gone three books into the bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus there are three different instructions about how to eat Genesis 1 was vegetarian or vegan Genesis 9 said every moving thing that liveth Leviticus 11 was complicated right depending on whether it divides the hoof and choose the cud some animals are clean some animals are unclean now do all those verses say the same thing? They don't. How do you know which one to follow you just pick the one you like you say well look I don't want to be a vegan man can't eat bacon so Genesis 1 is out but then Leviticus 11 well that's out too right because in Leviticus 11 the swine are unclean so okay I figured it out I want Genesis 9 because that's what I like is that legitimate you just pick whatever you like here's what I want you to notice Genesis 1 is right there Genesis 9 is right there now that's only a couple inches apart but that's 1600 years apart big passage of time Leviticus 11 is right.
There the point is the bible is a book of progressive revelation has anyone here ever read a novel have you ever read a mystery you ever watched a movie well what makes a movie what makes any story interesting is the unfolding of information over time you don't know at the beginning of the story everything that you know at the end obviously right there's development there's progression the bible is the exact same way many many years ago when I was first saved I was taught by someone that was trying to help me and they told me that the bible was god's love letters to man and so the bible was all for me and I could read anywhere in it because it was all to me and that sounded like such a great exciting notion right because just pick any old place you like put your finger down and it's for you that's just not true that's just not true what if I did this what if I did you know in a couple months here we're gonna have to file our taxes what if I did this what if I you know decided look IRS I looked at the tax rates for 2017 and I just really don't like them and the ones from the mid-80s I just like a lot more they speak to me and so therefore I’m going to use the 1984 return or 1986 things a little better let's see 1986. and I follow return and say look I’m just going to use that what would they say well what they would say is you know Mr. Reed we'd like to send someone to speak to you and the point is you have to go by the current revelation you can't just pick things that aren't written to you it's the equivalent of driving up and down the street opening every mailbox and taking the mail you want it's thievery here's what's going on what God wrote in Genesis 1 to Adam was perfectly true and perfectly accurate but he changed his course of dealings over time he gave different information to Noah he gave different information to Moses and for our purposes he gave different information to Paul look at first Timothy chapter 4. first Timothy chapter 4. one of the things that people will say sometimes is they will say dispensationalism was invented in the 1800s and it didn't exist before that now that's just crazy talk the every thinking person believes in progressive revelation because that is your normal life experience you're going to learn things tomorrow that you didn't know today right the government's going to pass new laws this year that it didn't have last year that's just how it works look with me at first Timothy chapter 4 verse 1. now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times so that's in the latter times the dispensation of grace some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and then notice and doctrines of devils people think that what devils do is they haunt houses they cause electronics not to operate I wonder if that part's actually true I’m kidding but you know what devils actually do according to the scriptures today doctrines false doctrines is what first Timothy 4 says now notice this speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron verse 3 forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which beliEve and know the truth for every creature of God is good is that what Leviticus 11 says Leviticus 11 said there are some animals that are unclean and you can't eat them first Timothy 4 says for every creature of God is good how do you resolve that conflict some people would say the bible contradicts itself no the bible doesn't contradict itself what the bible does is it says different things to different people at different points in time do you need to build an ark today no did no one need to build an ark yes after the flood God put a rainbow in the sky declaring that he would never flood the earth again all right so get with me Galatians chapter 2. what that demonstrates is that there is progressive revelation in the bible it was so good it killed the batteries I wish yeah satanic attack um so here's the thing guys uncircumcision and circumcision are not the same I mean you know just a basic knowledge of the English language tells you that right so do peter and Paul have the exact same gospel they don't they don't they can't I mean if words mean anything they have different gospels so the notion that there's only one gospel in the bible is just simply not correct get with me if you would Matthew chapter 10. Matthew 10 Matthew chapter 10 verse 5. these 12 Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel the Lord during his earthly says to them don't go to the gentiles he couldn't be clearer look with me at Matthew 15. Matthew chapter 15. verse 22 and behold a woman of Canaan so this is a gentile woman came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me o Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil notice verse 23 but he answered her not a word don't even respond to her and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she crieth after us after she was talking to the Lord and didn't get a response she started reaching out to the to the apostles and saying help me verse 24 but he answered and said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel then came she and worshiped him saying Lord help me but he answered and said it is not meat it's not appropriate to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs what did he just say that this woman of Canaan was he's saying she's a gentile dog now listen could the Lord did the Lord sin when he said that obviously the Lord couldn't have sinned so what he's saying there is not wrong it's not inaccurate it's not cruel it's a statement of truth in other words under the old testament was there a difference between Israel and gentiles there was this is the children that's the dogs look with me at verse 27 and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table then Jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt when the gentile woman says to him that the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the master's table she's saying under the Abrahamic covenant a gentile can be blessed through Israel and that's the blessing that I’m looking for when she says that the Lord recognizes her faith he says essentially that's exactly right and he helps her that very moment look with me at romans 11. romans chapter 11. romans 11 verse 13 for I speak to you gentiles Paul’s addressing specifically gentiles there inasmuch as I am the apostle of the gentiles I magnify mine office the word apostle means one who is sent so when Paul says I am the apostle the gentiles what he's saying is I am the one who is sent to the gentiles I think with me just a moment ago when we were in Matthew 10 the Lord says to the twelve during his earthly ministry go not into the way of the gentiles are peter and Paul doing the same thing they're not doing the same thing at all now if you remember when we were in Galatians 2 Paul said that he had the gospel of the un circumcision well that gospel would make a lot of sense for gentiles who tend to be uncircumcised peter had the gospel of the circumcision which made sense for Israel that was circumcised you see the point what people think is people think Paul comes along later but he does the exact same thing that peter did no he doesn't he had a different gospel to a different group of people look with me at Ephesians 3. Ephesians 3 is a profound chapter and I’m going to I’m going to just tell you up front what I think it proves and then we'll look at the verses and you can decide in your own mind whether it proves this or not I’ll suggest to you Ephesians 3 proves that Paul had new information that was never previously known it had never previously been revealed let's see if that's true Ephesians 3 verse 1 for this cause I Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you gentiles now again peter could never have said that verse 2 if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which has given me to you word so when someone says dispensationalism was invented in the 1800s the word is in the king James bible in 1611. and the word is in the king James bible in 1611 because it was in the Greek in the first century right in other words it wasn't invented in the 1800s it's always been there what happened was people ignored it wasn't that God wasn't aware of it was always there but people often just ignore god's word so notice what verse 2 is saying if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me who was it given to Paul there was some specific information that was given Paul to you word in other words God didn't just give it to Paul to keep for himself he gave it to Paul for Paul to share with mankind now notice verse 3 how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery now think about this with me just for a minute did Paul need revelation to know what peter taught so if you think about acts chapter 9 in acts chapter 9 Paul is on the road to Damascus he has letters from the chief priest to persecute followers of Jesus Christ in other words he's in acts 9 what Paul is doing is he is actively persecuting people that have believed peter's gospel okay just think about that I think you'll recognize that's true in other words peter's preaching he's preaching that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and as he does that and people beliEve that Paul gets irate and he decides to persecute Christians people that beliEve that not only in Jerusalem but even under foreign cities so he is going to Damascus because he has authority to persecute those folks from the chief priests now think about this with me Ephesians 3 3 how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery well the mystery can't be what peter was teaching because Paul didn't need revelation to know what peter was teaching Paul already knew what peter was teaching and he hated it see the point so if Paul received something by revelation it had to be something that wasn't previously known look with me keep Ephesians 3 but get first Corinthians 2. first Corinthians chapter 2. first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 7. but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory that verse specifically defines what a mystery is it's a mystery even i.e that is the hidden wisdom what a mystery is it's wisdom that God has hidden for some period of time until he chooses to reveal it now notice what verse 7 says which God ordained before the world unto our glory when did God know about the mystery over here let me ask you let me say what didn't happen did time play out things got to acts 9 and Jehovah God in heaven said wow this is a total shock I had no idea things were going to play out this way I’m going to try plan b because this isn't at all what i'd hoped for it you know in other words did the events of time take God by surprise and he was just shocked and so he decided let's try something new now according to first Corinthians 2 the mystery God ordained before the beginning of the world he knew exactly what he was going to do he was waiting for the precise time when he wanted to reveal it now notice what verse 8 says which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory when first Corinthians 2 talks about the princes of this world it's not talking about human princes it's talking about the satanic principalities and powers that have followed Satan in his rebellion and what it's saying is this mystery is something that was totally hid from Satan he didn't know anything about it if he had known it what would he not have done he would not have crucified the Lord of glory so think about that with me if you would just for a minute do you remember Luke 22 when judas is about to betray the Lord Jesus Christ right as he's about to do that what does Satan do Luke 22 3 Satan enters into judas in other words right here right before the cross does Satan want the cross to happen clearly right in other words you know this if you want a job done right do it yourself right what Satan does in Luke 22 is he wants the cross to happen he's thinking to himself if I leave this to the humans they're going to mess it up so let me enter in to judas and get this done right he does and the cross occurs what first Corinthians 2 tells you profoundly is this this mystery if Satan had known it you know what he would not have been in favor of the cross he wouldn't have been in favor of it well why is that well think about this for a minute was the resurrection a secret or did had God already revealed that God already revealed that right Jesus Christ says in john destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up so is the resurrection a secret no is the kingdom that the cross purchased is the kingdom a secret no there's lots of stuff in the old testament especially in the book of Isaiah about what god's going to accomplish in the kingdom but you know what is a secret what God is going to do with the body of Christ so let me show you something here let's say that you were in acts 7 right here okay and someone said draw the timeline of history based upon what scripture tells us this is what you would draw remember acts chapter 2 peter stands up and says this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great notable day of the Lord in other words what peter is saying in acts 2 is he saying right now the book of Joel the old testament is being fulfilled and we're about to enter the great tribulation now just understand from here to here is only one year in other words this thing isn't entirely to scale because it's trying to communicate information but what peter's saying is look we're in the book of Joel we're in the last days in fact he specifically says in acts 2 you should read it we're in the last days we're about to be right here because the reason he says that is this entire body of time almost now two thousand years was not revealed you know why that matters here's why that matters think about this with me in the beginning of time before Genesis 3 when Satan was in the garden he obviously rebelled in heaven right in other words by the time he's in the garden leading a rebellion on earth he's obviously already rebelled in heaven so when you get to Genesis 3 at that point there's rebellion going on in two basic places in the universe in the heaven and the earth Genesis 1 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the rest of the bible is about the warfare that goes on in heaven and in earth here's why that matters as you read through the old testament and you follow along what happens does God have a program to deal with the rebellion on the earth he does who's ultimately going to inherit the new earth Israel right the old testament has promise after promise about what God is going to do and Israel will ultimately inherit the new earth but what the old testament says nothing about what Matthew mark Luke and john say nothing about what acts 1 through 8 say nothing about is what god's going to do with the heavens and the reason why that matters is this when you read the scriptures there's never a time where an angel gets a second chance what they once they've fallen once they have fallen their eternal destiny is the lake of fire that never changes there's no time in the bible where angels can reproduce and create other angels so think about this with me if you would Genesis 1 God creates the angelic host there's a limited there's a fixed number of angels that he creates those angels can't create new angels and in Genesis 1 what does God do at the end of Genesis 1. he rests from creation right so at the end of Genesis 1 there's a fixed number of angels in the universe there'll never be any more than that then promptly after that there's rebellion and now a bunch of those angels in heaven are on the wrong team so let's say you're right here in acts 8 and you're Satan here's what you would know well there's been rebellion in heaven and a bunch of the leading angels there they're on my team and God has ceased from creation he's not making any new ones and there's never a time where the fallen angels can get redeemed man can get redeemed in the bible but there's never a time where fallen angels can get redeemed so Satan looks at that and says well you know this is fascinating because what's he going to do now God has a plan for the earth we've been fighting about that if you think about the old testament the old testament is a fight between God and Satan about the earth just the simplest example when Israel goes into Egypt and they spend 400 years there and they come out of Egypt and they're getting ready to go into the land what's the first thing they find in the land giants right why are there giants in the land well there's giants in the land because when Israel is in Egypt for 400 years do you think Satan doesn't do anything you think he just takes a nap well what he does he says I know that god's going to try to bring Israel back into the land he's already said that to Abraham god's told me what he's going to do so what I’m going to do is during that that time I’m going to put giants in the land and I’m going to fortify the land and so when God tries to bring Israel into the land I’m going to stand against it now that's not going to work because God is much more powerful than Satan but my point is is there a warfare going on between God and Satan for control of the earth yes there is you can see that but what Satan didn't know is he looks at the heavens and says I I get that the Lord and I are going to fight about the earth because god's told me what his plan is and I can counteract that but God hasn't said anything about what he's going to do with the heavens I wonder maybe it's mine you mean you follow me or let me put the question to you this way based upon scripture Genesis 1 to acts 8 what does the bible say about how God will take back the heavens there's nothing there about that I mean you sort of think that he would but there's nothing that describes it so when Satan puts the Lord to death on the cross and it's really the Lord laying down his life to be accurate he thinks this is a good thing but then what God does in the middle of the book of acts he saves Paul he gives him a mystery that mystery is the formation of the body of Christ that body of Christ according to Ephesians 1 3 is blessed with all spiritual blessings where in heavenly places because at the adoption at the catching up we are caught up because our inheritance our destiny is in the heaven that's why the following in the middle of the book of acts when Satan realizes what God is doing during the dispensation of grace with the body of Christ what he actually says in the living bible is oops I made that part up but the point is let me be let me be serious now first Corinthians 2 7 and 8 for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory in other words the body of Christ is god's replacement program for the fallen angels in the heavenly places that's what it is all right back to Ephesians 3. back to Ephesians chapter 3. verse 3 how that by revelation he made known unto the mystery the mystery is hidden wisdom God revealed it to Paul well if God revealed it to Paul that means it wasn't known prior to that obviously now look at verse 5 and I don't know what you do with this which in other ages was not made known I realize people want to say well Isaiah knew it Jeremiah knew it and David knew it and peter knew it and Jonah knew it what does verse 5 say which in other ages was not made known it doesn't say they didn't understand it it says it wasn't even made known it wasn't made known because it hadn't been revealed look at verse 6 that the gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body do you remember when we were in Matthew 10 go not into the way of the gentiles remember Matthew 15 where the Lord says to the woman of Canaan that she was a dog they weren't fellow heirs verse 7 whereof I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power unto me who am less than the least of all saints is this grace given that I should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ those riches of Christ are unsearchable because you can't search them out in Genesis 1 to Malachi 3 to Matthew to mark to Luke to john they're not there because they hadn't been revealed so let me just give you an example here you probably remember this in john 5 Jesus Christ is dealing with some folks that are unbelievers and what he specifically says to them is search the scriptures for in them ye think he have eternal life and they are they which testify of me in other words here's what he's doing he's right here and he's dealing with some folks that claim to beliEve the old testament and so but yet they don't beliEve him and so what he says to them is okay guys if you really beliEve the old testament like you claim go ahead and search it because you know what those scriptures are going to point to they're going to point to me when you read Micah and it talks about the star coming out of Bethlehem right when you read Zechariah and it talks about the Lord being betrayed for 30 pieces of silver in other words if you read the old testament and talk about the lion of Judah there's verse after verse after verse after verse that point directly to Jesus Christ so if you were alive during the Lord 's earthly ministry and you believed the old testament and he showed up you'd beliEve him that's why in john 5 the Lord says search the scriptures for in them you think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me in Ephesians 3 8 scripture says the opposite thing it talks about the unsearchable riches of Christ because the mystery was not in the old testament you can read Genesis to Malachi you can read Matthew mark Luke and john and you can't find out anything about it because it's simply not there it's a mystery that was hid until God revealed it verse 9. now look at this and I don't know again I don't know what you do with this other than just be a dispensationalist verse 9 and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery now notice this which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God if the information was hid in God then who knew it doesn't say it was hid in the scriptures it says it was hitting God now here's what happens today with men here's the best way if you want to make something really well known what you do is you tell a couple people and tell them not to tell anyone else that it's a secret right because what's going to happen right because what happens is things just don't remain secrets the way that men operate but Ephesians 3 9 says that the mystery was hid in God and then what did it say from the beginning of the world so let's recap briefly go to Ephesians 3 verse 1. Ephesians 3 1 I Paul so this is who's writing verse 2 Paul was given the dispensation of the grace of God it was given to him to give to others verse 3 he got it by revelation he didn't learn it from other men it was not something previously known verse 3 it's a mystery so therefore it is hidden wisdom verse 5 in other ages it wasn't made known verse 8 it's unsearchable and verse 9 from the beginning of the world it was hidden God now you're going to tell me that peter and Paul are preaching the exact same information that's just that's not an honest attempt to beliEve what the verses say what Ephesians 3 is designed to do friends is simply this it's designed to prove beyond doubt that Paul had new and different information from peter do you remember when we were in romans 11 and Paul said inasmuch as I am the apostle the gentiles I magnify mine office Paul didn't say I magnify mine person he said I magnify mine office because his office as the apostle the gentiles is what's ignored today what people do is they think Paul just says johnny come lately and he's doing the exact same thing as peter no he's not he's doing something different he has a different message that wasn't previously revealed he has a different audience and it is incumbent upon us to recognize that if you don't recognize that if you go by other information you're no different than how I was earlier when I wanted to file my taxes based upon old law it's the same thing what God is doing today is this he's not doing that let me put it another way if I offer an animal sacrifice today it's not an act of faith it's an act of unbelief right I mean god's word has told me I don't need to do that if I build an ark today it's not an act of faith it's an act of unbelief if I keep the old testament law today it is an act of unbelief if I preach peter's gospel today it is an act of unbelief it is because it's not what he's doing today let me I’ll give you another example you're ready this happens all the time today people are obsessed with prophecy right and prophets here's the simple explanation way to understand it the beast the antichrist is whatever middle east politician you don't happen to like at the moment that's the way that it works people read the headlines they figure out this is not the person I don't like so that's who the beast is now by the way when you read second Thessalonians chapter 2 it tells you the man of sin isn't even revealed until after the catching up so when people today spend their time trying to figure out who the antichrist is it is an act of unbelief in what second Thessalonians 2 says you follow me if second Thessalonians 2 says the man of sin isn't even going to be revealed until we're gone how much time should you spend looking for him you can't find him because he's not there or more precisely he hasn't been revealed and if God hasn't revealed it you're not going to know it you see my point see here's what's going on this is how it is god's told us exactly what he wants us to do he revealed it to the apostle Paul so what we do is we spend a lot of time doing stuff over here we spend a lot of time doing stuff over here and we're not doing what we ought to be doing and that's just how we are right we have a sin nature that rebels against god's word and we don't do that which we ought to do get with me Ephesians chapter 2. so I’ll just make one or two more points and I’ll close what that establishes friends is this Paul is the apostle the gentiles he's our apostle today he was given the revelation the mystery if we would know what God would have us to do that's going to be contained in Paul’s writings which is romans to Philemon 100 of the bible is true we've been all throughout the bible we were in Genesis we were in Leviticus we were in Matthew all of its true but it's not all written to us today so we should read all of it and we should study all of it but we should apply the part that God tells us to apply look at Ephesians 2 8 for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of worthless any man should boast the way that you're saved today is not by joining a church it's not by tithing it's not by church membership it's not by keeping the old testament law it's not by living by the golden rule you're saved by grace through faith by belief in a moment in an instant when you beliEve the gospel look with me at first Corinthians 15. first Corinthians chapter 15. first Corinthians 15 verse 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel the word gospel simply means good news look at verse 3. for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures the gospel is really simple the gospel is not my good deeds or my keeping the law or anything like that the gospel is Christ died for our sins Christ was buried Christ rose again the gospel is Christ’s death braille and resurrection the moment we trust that is the payment for our sins in other words I can't get to heaven by my good works or turning over a new leaf or keep you know anything that involves my works or my performance I’m saved by what he did when I stop trusting in myself and I trust what he did for me on the cross that instant that moment I’m saved I’m not saved as a long process of obedience I’m saved in a moment where I trust Christ as my savior amen that's how it works and so you can be saved that way today and it's that simple praise God that it is so I’ll just close with this thought then if you're not saved you need to be saved because that's the difference between heaven and hell once you're saved you can't lose it because you weren't saved by your works you're saved by what Christ did for you so once you're saved I would suggest you here's the issue in life God is not going to quit what he's doing because you decided to do something else I mean in other words so what if is God in heaven supposed to say well look I really people I really want people to do what I told them but since no one is all right I’ll just go with the flow and we'll do something else is that what's going to happen that is absolutely not what is going to happen what God expects us to do today is he preserves the word for us and he expects us to read it and he expects us to study it and he expects us to obey it so when it tells us to follow Paul first Corinthians 11 that's what we should do amen Lord thank you for your word we thank you that you've preserved it for us we thank you Lord that we live during the dispensation of grace we thank you that gentiles are no longer dogs but they're fellow heirs we thank you that you have a purpose for the body of Christ that is infinite that is eternal that is glorious that that we don't deserve but you've given it to us by your mercy and grace we pray these things in the name of Lord Jesus Christ amen